Individual Neighborhood Plan
East Colfax Neighborhood Association Individual Neighborhood Plan
In October of 2019 the East Colfax Neighborhood Association voted unanimously both to begin the development of its own neighborhood plan and to make anti-displacement the overriding priority of that plan.
We determined that the only way to address the realities of our neighborhood specifically, as opposed the city-generated East Area Plan "groupings" that yoke East Colfax with vastly different neighborhoods, was to devise a plan that reflected East Colfax concerns directly.
Our October 2019 meeting resulted in the establishment of the following founding element of that plan, and commitment to anti-displacement, and we look forward to future developments.
Anti-Displacement – Any neighborhood plan for East Colfax will take as its first priority keeping in their homes or businesses all of those who would like to stay. More than 65% of the neighborhood is at risk of involuntary displacement, a staggering percentage. Any plans for East Colfax must include concrete policy proposals, zoning, and other solutions that acknowledge the full extent of this crisis. ALL development, investment, and financing must take place through an anti-displacement lens.
May 2024: As we continue to develop the neighborhood plan, we'll post updates here.
All comments from the April 2024 monthly meeting:
sidewalks--I was raised by the streets because of the lack of sidewalks.
Traffic--Quebed and Colfax
Community spaces--rec center, library, etc.
Affordable housing
Diverse businesses--support for those already established
Safety + gun violence, including traffic patterns
Voice + representation in Denver and beyond
Diverse representation in planning
I'm concerned about the speeding along 14th Ave. so many accidents in this area.
Another issue is the amount of trash that litters the yards, streets, and sidewalks.
Gun shots that remind us that this is a dangerous area to walk in.
Public water fountains.
Snow clearance from sidewalks and bike lanes.
I would want the plan to include security for the entire community in the form of foot patrol by police officers. Or even neighbor patrols by citizens.
Sex worker outreach, decriminalization "safe zones"
how do we make our neighborhood safe and clean without pushing out vulnerable women
public restrooms
public trash cans
Doggie stations to encourage picking up after animals
speed bumps on neighborhood streets
beautification projects
animal conservation and education for local wildlife, like birds, foxes, beavers, etc.
better funded post office
CnR programs for stray cats
funding for ant-lawn/pro xeriscaping initiatives
community spaces
better/more sidewalks/pedestrian friendly infrastructure and bike
Do we know the current rate of displacement? I am seeing lots of rentals in our area
I renovated and sold, some were section 8, so we are losing affordable housing
sidewalks that will accommodate wheelchairs and strollers
impact of BRT on Colfax small businesses
human safety
broad statement to expand walkability
human waste/trash
colfax safety for thriving businesses
district, slower cars
lighting, ped crossing lights
anti-displacement of business/residents #1
voting box
community space
deeply affordable housing
renters rights
increased density
disarmament, abolition of firearms from East Colfax
public art/establishment of an arts district
creation of small business grant program, rent assistance on Colfax Ave.
Let's fund some block parties. Neighbors need to meet, and other ideas will proceed from there.
Block parties need to include apartment complexes.
making the neighborhood accessible to different able bodies
sidewalk for the security of families