Collaborative Housing

Acknowledging that city resources will not be able to stem the encroaching tide of involuntary displacement in East Colfax, the East Colfax Neighborhood Association is launching a collaborative, emergency housing program to help neighbors by opening up extra/unused living space that might be available right here in East Colfax.
We will be canvassing the neighborhood as part of our ongoing outreach efforts to identify those who might have an extra room to donate for a short time. We’ll then locate those who might be struggling to keep their homes and match up the two communities, emailing those with extra space with information on those in need. Our hope is that people who might need a week or two of low-to-no cost shelter will be able to get back on their feet with the assistance of other neighbors.
Please sign up! We will provide detailed guidelines and agreements for both parties in terms of length of stay and other expectations. And simply signing up to be on the list in no way obligates anyone to accept a short-term tenant at any time, or to accept an offer of shelter.
To sign up, please just enter your name and email address (and any comments) here and we will be in touch.