Emergency Assistance Fund

The East Colfax Neighborhood Association maintains a fund for the assistance of East Colfax residents and businesses who might be struggling in severe situations where a relatively small amount of cash assistance might get them through a crucial day or two.
At present, this is a 100% neighborhood-generated fund, with all donations coming from current residents and businesses in the East Colfax neighborhood. Please consider making a donation, which can be done using the button below.
Decisions on how to distribute funds are made on a case-by-case basis and are only for the most serious cases of temporary need. At least 3 ECNA board members sign off on any given distribution.
The idea of the fund is to leverage ECNA's ability, in our economically distressed area, to connect neighbors who are in need with those neighbors who feel they can comfortably donate to the fund.
Any donations are greatly appreciated.​
Donations may also be mailed to:
East Colfax Neighborhood Association
7935 East 14th Ave.
Denver, CO 80220